Placebo Manufacturing

A major question for most of the sponsors is about “Meeting the challenges of placebo matching”

We recognize that the challenge of acquiring adequate placebos is considerable, whether it be matching a placebo or making an active comparator.

Identical or Absolute Placebo for a blinded clinical trial is a key aspect of pharmacological research & development.

We offer extensive, rapid and cost-effective services in the field of placebo manufacturing through our partnered network.

Our team will work with the analytical / scientific team to develop, design or technology transfer for the placebo(s) to match with Investigational Medicinal Product, Comparator(s) and / or other treatment regime(s).

Placebo Manufacturing

We will support your clinical endeavor and scientific credibility of your clinical trial, helping you maintain the integrity of your blinded study design in a number of ways including:

  • Placebo to Match Study Treatments
  • Over-Encapsulation of Tablets & Capsules
  • Placebo Liquid Formulations for Oral, Topical or Nasal Administration
  • Packaging Blinding Solutions Tailored to the Needs of your Product & Study Design